Roman phallic pendent Dimension: 35 x 22 mm Material: Bronze Origin:Switzerland, private collection Datation: I-II secolo AC
roman lunula pendent epoc: I-III AC origin: Germany lenght: 26 x 16 mm material: Bronze
roman brooch epoc: I-III century AC origin: Switzerland lenght: 25 x 26 mm material: Bronze
Roman Pendant Epoc: I-III century AD Origin: "Artefacts of England and the United Kingdom" second edition. Pag:156 n°R08-0303. Lenght: 39 x 7 mm Material: Bronze
roman brooch epoc: I-III century AC origin: Switzerland lenght: 43 x 57 mm material: Bronze
roman brooch epoc: I-III century AC origin: Switzerland lenght: 95 x 57 mm (with chain) material: Bronze